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Direction to solve :
Arrange A to E between 1 and 2

01. 1.    There is no Question that the academic enterprise has become increasingly global, particularly in the sciences. _
A. Half of the world's top physicists no longer work in their native countries.
B. Nearly three million students now study outside their home countries-a 57% increase in the last decade.
C. Tsinghua and Peking universities together recently surpassed Berkeley as the top sources of students who go on to earn American PhDs.
D. Foreign students now dominate many US doctoral programs, accounting for 64% of PhDs in computer science, for example.
E. Faculty are on the move, too.

2.   And major institutions such as New York University and the University of Nottingham are creating branch campuses in the Middle East and Asia.

Answer and Explanation

Answer: BDCEA

The contest is between options 2 and 3, after comparing the other options and to lesser extent 5 also can be considered. What eliminates option 2 in favour of 3 is the combination EB-the mention of f 'Faculty are on the move too" makes much better sense after it is mentioned that students are on the move as globalization is more related to student movement than faculty movement. Option 5 is eliminated because B immediately before the footer.

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Direction to solve :
Arrange A to E between 3 and 4

02. 3. The expansion of knowledge is not a zero-sum game.
A. Indeed, the economic benefits of a global academic culture are significant.
B. On the contrary it enhances what America knows and can accomplish.
C. More PhD production and burgeoning research in China, for instance, doesn't take away from America's store of learning.
D. Chinese research may well provide the building blocks for innovation by US entrepreneurs-or those from other countries.
E. Because knowledge is a public good, intellectual gains by one country often benefit others.

4. Just as free trade benefits both consumers and the most efficient producers, global academic competition has enormously positive consequences for individuals, universities, and countries.

Answer and Explanation

Answer: CBEDA

On comparison of options, DB eliminates option 2; B moving into the 7 or the footer eliminates option 3. EB eliminates option 4. CA eliminates option 5. These combinations may make sense but the answer choice 1 is the best in comparison to all these.

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Direction to solve :
Arrange A to D between 5 and 6

03. 5. What are the main constraints?
A. Seed replacement remains a concern.
B. Water will be a scarce resource in times to come.
C. Land will remain limited, may even shrink.
D. The first green revolution areas have limited potential to increase yields particularly of cereals,

6. Varietal replacement is still lower.

Answer and Explanation

Answer: CBDA 

Obviously the paragraph is about agriculture-what are the main constraints-first it has to be related to the land, not by rule but in comparison to the other statements related to seeds and irrigation. Next water, water affects yield, hence BD make a pair. A can only be placed just before the footer.

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Direction to solve :
Arrange A to D between 7 and 8

04. 7. In the past two years, two dangerous episodes of financial instability and sudden changes in market dynamics have hit the world economy.
A. Systemic risks drive most crises, and pose a challenge for several reasons.
B. Second, predicting the exact timing of a break point (when bubbles burst, market lock up, and credit freezes) is, and will likely remain, beyond our ability.
C. More are likely, because the global economy is out of balance in several respects as it emerges from the crisis, particularly in terms of sovereign debt and the structure of global demand.
D. First, they are not easy to detect with confidence, and are even more difficult to prove.

8. Finally, crises are highly non-linear events, which means that they occur without much warning.
A. ABCD       B. ACDB     
C. CDAB       D. CADB     

Answer and Explanation

Answer: CDAB      

C goes best with the header-” two episodes more are likely " CA need to be together because there is no other place for A in the paragraph, just the way DB have to be together.

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Direction to solve :
Arrange A to D between 9 and 10

05. 9. There would also be other earnest spiritual seekers, who would be involved with outdoor activities such as sports, social work, event management, etc. 
A. A volatile person would, through observation and practice, be able to manage his outbursts well.
B. There would be some who are essentially introverted too, loving to spend time in quiet company , reading or introspection
C. The intelligent seeker would also know how to dilute certain unhealthy reactions, that are otherwise instinctive in him.
D. Each person, when inspired by that wish power within, would be able to chart a path that would particularly and eminently suit him. 

10 .Similarly one who is too prosaic, staid and cool would comprehend that not reacting well need not necessarily mean that he has attained victory over himself.
A. BCDA      B. ABDC      
C. BDCA       D. ADBC       

Answer and Explanation

Answer: BDCA      

Header logically continues in statement B rather than any other statement, D continues the same train of thought. Next sentence could either be C or A; here the option 3 has made the decision limiting the analysis.

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06. 11. People are language users: they read, write, speak, and listen; and they do all of these things in natural languages such as English, Russian, and Arabic.
A. The most popular line of thought is to cast this relationship in terms of knowledge, specifically knowledge about linguistic facts: those who have mastered English have knowledge about the syntax and semantics of English.
B. Many philosophers and linguists have been interested in knowing what accounts for this facility that language users have with their language.
C. So the Question may be posed: What relationship do speakers of a language have to the abstract system that constitutes the language they speak?
D. A language may be thought of as an abstract system, characterized either as a set of grammatical rules or as an axiomatic theoretical structure.

12.  Moreover, it is because they have this knowledge that they are able to read, write, speak, and have conversations in English.                                        
B. ABCD      
C. DBCA       D. ADBC      

Answer and Explanation

Answer: BDCA

'this facility’ in statement A links to the header. "what accounts for this facility' in B justifies the ” a language may be thought of as..." in D. "an axiomatic system .... ' in D is continued in C as 'the abstract system'. 'A' needs to be placed before the footer. Thus we get the best paragraph in option

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Direction to solve :
Arrange A to F between 13 and 14

07. 13. Take the belief that there are currently at least one thousand kangaroos alive in Australia. That belief is true, although it need
not have been.

A. The claim that any contingent truth could instead have been false is not the fallibilist claim, because fallibilism is not a thesis about truths in themselves.
B. So, the belief is only contingently true.
C. But even if we were to accept that all truths are only contingently true, we would not be committed to fallibilism,
D. By definition, any contingent truth could have failed to be true.
E. It could have been false-in that the world need not have been such as to make it true.
F. The recognition that contingent truths exist is not what underlies fallibilism.

14. Instead, it is about our attempts in themselves to accept or believe truths. It concerns a kind of fundamental limitation first and foremost upon our powers of rational thought and representation. 

Answer and Explanation

Answer: EBDCFA  

The second sentence in 13 and E can be seen to be very closely connected. Or, if we compare the other statements to follow the header, then also the link between the header and the statement E can be seen by comparison. Even if BCD is analysed, BCDE is not logical.

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